What next – COBOLUnit? Haven’t tried this yet, but this could be a good tool for ‘self-diagnostic’ tests on Servers…
What next – COBOLUnit? Haven’t tried this yet, but this could be a good tool for ‘self-diagnostic’ tests on Servers…
This is a re-hash of a post I wrote and ‘lost’ a while ago after I was reading Charlie Poole’s first blog entry (from September 05) ‘What’s a test worth?‘, and found a hard-copy this morning.
It occurred to me (originally) that we tend to never remove unit tests as we have some strange and irrational fear that we should only ever move forwards with tests and the ‘rainy day’ tests should be retained as a ‘just in case’ safety net. All this does of course is water down your test library for a number of reasons:
I therefore tried to give myself a small number of practical rules to follow when adding or maintaining unit tests. Refactoring is something that applies equally to unit tests (and I don’t just mean changes that stop your build from breaking when you change your functionality).
The question is ‘What characteristics should a test display in order to avoid being deleted’
If you can’t place the test in any of the 3 above then you need to do one or more of the following
I’ll try and add to and refine this over time, but for now there’s my starting point.