Love this little tool. It’s making me think about writing some stuff for Silverlight!
I just plain can’t remember the options for String.Format and standard/custom strings so being able to try them out is great. Nice work!
I’d normally use John Sheehan’s excellent Cheat Sheet, but I’ll probably stick to the tool in future.
It’s an interesting tool for sure, but had troubles running it under Firefox. Could just be that I don’t have the silverlight plugin, but I doubt it because it came up with the loading screen. Anyway, I’ve had a look at this before under IE, it’s certainly useful.
What I find more interesting is the UI of the tool, which doesn’t appear to follow much in the way of standards. This makes me a little scared for the future of User Experience with all the wizzbang stuff of Silverlight / WPF. Are we entering into a new era of non-consistent UI’s like this (but just much prettier).