Using CSS Frameworks to do the heavy layout lifting

CSS is great, until you’re faced with a deadline and a broken IE6 layout.  You get the cowboy gear out and – ‘Welcome to Hacksville!’  

There’s been a growing trend of CSS frameworks recently as people are obviously crying out for ‘something’ to save them from the madness. 

I’m trying out the 960 grid system at the moment, as it’s not too prescriptive and gives me the flexibility I need.

There’s a great review of the best frameworks on adactio.  I’m sure there’s one to suit almost every need.  Remember they’re just the starting point if you’re doing serious design, but they’ll take most of the pain away, because the heavy ‘hack’ lifting is done for you…   

Also – more on Wikipedia (Update: 17/09) – BlueTrip’s the way to go – best of several worlds – nice.